Monday, November 9, 2009

The Holy Marshmallow

So(you may ask yourself), why start a blog with a rhapsody to the marshmallow? Why not tell us who you are and what you do? To this I say: we'll get to know each other soon enough, right now I'm on a marshmallow kick.

So what is a marshmallow really? It is a sugar syrup, a magical concoction in it's own right, combined with the awe inspiring weirdness that is gelatin, sometimes also combined with that powerhouse of evil goodness, the egg, and beaten beyond hope. Oddly enough, this tastes good and has a texture like nothing else. It is at once, smooth, airy, sweet, light, slippery, foamy and so wrong that it's just right.

Why am I mooning over marshmallows? Well, if you're asking that question, then you've never had a fresh one. The dessicated, shelf-stabilized, things in the grocery store are not the real McCoy. Like any pastry or candy item, hand made and fresh is a whole other, and wholly better, animal. An animal that I have taken into my home and made into my beloved pet.

Here are some interesting things that I have discovered about marshmallows:
*They can be made with or without eggs. This is a boon to those who are meringue challenged as well as those who lack kitchen space.
*They can be piped into shapes but it is a labor of love, disposable pastry bags and, again, kitchen space.
*They must cure at least overnight before cutting or dusting.
*Once cured, they can be re-liquified - making the most insane rice cereal treats you've ever had.
*They can be flavored. Orange extract produces a Creamsicle taste, peppermint schnapps - well just say yes. Dip in dark chocolate and look out Molly!

Here's where the kitchen McGuyver action happens. Vegan Marshmallows. You heard me. Vegan. No eggs, no gelatin. Skillful application of Agar makes it possible. If you've never used it, agar is a seaweed derived natural binder that, when used properly, gives that rubbery hold that could otherwise only be obtained with yummy gooey horse-hoof collagen (that's gelatin folks). I also have high hopes for instant clear jel, but I haven't tried that yet.

This is part of what I do. Food is my adventure. Marshmallows are a small part of my magical kitchen world. Who knows what I'll do next - well I do - I think it'll be homemade Moon Pies.


  1. I love you and your way with words... and all of the passion we share for pastries!! I will be subscribing to your blog. :) Love ya chicky!

  2. I have had these marshmallows and they are Dee-vine. I have watch a big tray of these marshmallows completely disappear at a big party, and then people just stood and looked longingly at where the marshmallows used to be. All I can say is "More. Please."

  3. Wow... Is it wrong to be a little frightened of you now? Just kidding. Here is a link to my friend Jen's food blog and her marshmallow adventure last year. You know, in case you guys want to have a marshmallow throw down and let me judge.
